If you’re like me and changes your source code editor font size to 8 points, to see “more code” at a single glance, surely this new feature of the Productivity Power Tools 2013 will be good for you.
It is called Syntactic Lines and what it does is reduce by 25% the size of lines in which there is neither letters nor numbers. In this way, “simple” lines of our code are smaller and the code is more readable. (or tighter, to choose)
This is the official example presenting
Look interesting, I will see after using it a bit if it is really useful:
Download: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/dbcb8670-889e-4a54-a226-a48a15e4cace?SRC=VSIDE
Saludos @ Home
El Bruno
Archivado en: Code Editor, EnglishPost, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio Online